Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13th, 2016

As my higher self, I am channeling an energy transmission for all the readers.  If you are capable of feeling energy, which all are if open to it, allow the energy transmission to occur.

I give you light, and love.  I give you this moment of now where you are capable of reaching up into the higher dimensions to see from the higher level that your own higher self exists in.

And now, I will channel my guide, Raell.

Greetings this is RAell.  It has been a while in your time since we have done this channeling, but not so for my time and for that of the ones recieving the transmission.  For the channel it has been months that have passed, but for us, only minutes.  Isn't that amazing how one can speed up time now, or put it on pause.  This is how time exists in the higher dimensions.  It is all complete, once its imagined or created and then the steps are taken to experience the creation.

The channel believes that some things are too hard for her to complete.  She believes that things thought are just imagined things that are unattainable.  This is because the steps she can not see.  To her the road to an imagined outcome is to steep.  Maybe she thinks the road too uncomfortable to walk.

But I would tell you that for her, or you, the reader to take those first steps, you will see that the path is easy.  The path is lit.  The walk is not so hard, in fact it can even be enjoyable.  There is a reason you choose to go the way you do.

Be open to receiving the blessings your higher self wishes to bestow upon you.  That might mean you'll need to let go of what you think should be happening.

Until next time...  Peace with your spirit, and love.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Number 10

Channeling my guide, Raell

First we would like to start with an energy attunement.  If you, the reader, would please take a moment to feel the energy that is coming to you now.  Close your eyes and just feel the energy.  It will go to where you need it, what is right for you.  Breathe in deeply and just feel the energy of this moment.

When you are ready, return.

Good day to you all.  It is I, Raell.  I am hoping you are all well.  For today I would like to speak about the children.  Each one is individual, unique.  Each one is self-absorbed, meaning they are centered in their own world and this is as it should be.  You are meant to be self-absorbed.  This sounds weird I know.  The channel herself was raised to think badly of selfish tendencies but truly there is no other way to be.  When you are seeing from your perspective, outwards, doing for yourself first and then others you are not allowing other peoples' or circumstances demands come before your own.

This is why being in touch with your higher self is so important.  Your higher self knows what you need.  Your higher self knows what you desire.  Your higher self knows what you want to do, what your higher purpose is.  To get in touch with your higher self isn't all that hard.  Many of you already are in touch with your higher self.  What can be hard is staying centered in your higher self.

What does it mean to be centered in your higher self?

It means adjusting yourself to your highest good.  This means letting go of the little self.  Letting go of the limits you have created for yourself.  Allowing yourself to be bigger than you dreamed.

You are more powerful than you know, and it's okay to be powerful.  You are powerful in loving ways.  Allow yourself to be your higher self.  You are all capable of it.  This is past the idea of becoming and onto the notion of being.


Try it.  You'll like it.  :)

Thank you, Raell.

Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Number 9

Channeling my Higher self

Today, I would like to talk about one's own view.  Your perspective, and how it changes throughout the day.  Your perspective is always changing.  We've used the idea of a radio dial before, that is true too of your perspective.  If you go into an argument with the perspective of I am right, you are wrong, and I will defend my beliefs...  You are coming from a certain perspective.

That point of view is not you, but where you are seeing from at that moment in time.  So, you, the human has a view of the world that is subjective and constantly changing from moment to moment.

End of Channeling

As the human, I can say that my own perspective in the world does feel very small at times.  That's why I like channeling so much.  I get to see and feel things in a larger way.  It is hard sometimes to stay in the frequency that is needed to be a clear channel however.  That's my challenge.  If any of you out there are channeling too, know that it does get somewhat easier.  I am learning how to discern better.  I know I am not crazy because the voices I hear come from within.  They only speak with my permission and they only speak in kind and loving ways.  If ever they speak in unkind ways, I know that that is myself, my ego, coming through and trying to self sabotage me.

I have been prone to self-destruction in the past, so I know when those old habits come through.  I think there is a certain level of trust that must be there between you and your higher self.  I trust my higher self very much, even though I have been through a lot.  I know that it was all my doing and rather than feeling bad about my past, I am taking back my power and trying to become who I really am.  A sovereign being in her mastery.  I hope you have a good day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Number 8

Channeling my guide, Raell

You have beliefs that stem back from before your birth.  These are expressed as fears or talents.  They come from past lives.  In this way, much of your life might seem planned but it is not.  You are given the choice each moment to get in touch with who you truly are, and make decisions from that perspective.

You were born into a world that was co-created by many others who came before you.  The world listens to you humans and forms a reality around your mass consciousness.  The thoughts of the human species are given straight to the Earth.  It takes in what you all agree upon.  In those places of disorder there are very contrasting thoughts, these are places of imbalance.

Humans have the ability to dispel this imbalance peacefully through mass meditations or by becoming a conduit of unconditional love and transmuting the negative energy that has collected there.

On the topic of religion.  It was a good idea at first.  It came about for many reasons, one being it served men to create a connection to the divine in a world where people felt very separate from God/Goddess/All That Is, and two being a means to create order.

It was first meant to bring people together.  However, humans have gotten very good at separating things.  Now is the time for putting everything together again.  Some areas of civilization may begin to fall into disrepair. At the same time there will be new unions.  People will be coming together to create communities and programs that are designed to help others and the environment.

This should all come to you as great news but it will not be woithout effort.  Do not wait for others to do what you feel an inkling to do yourself.  This is how the divine works through people, with little nudges of inspired action.  Keep up the good work.  Until next time, have a blessed day.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Number 7

Channeling my guide, Raell

One of the reasons why ascension symptoms occur is because there is an increase of light in the body.  This light is electrical.  In places like the brain, it is setting alight neurons.  This expands your consciousness.  But while doing so, it may feel like a very bad headache to you the human.

This is evolution.  This is how you are growing now.  The light is pouring into you and you are growing, because as these neurons fire up, more of you, more of your physical body becomes aware.  With more awareness, you have more ability to do, to create, to feel and experience.

There are many different ways to go through this change and not all need to be challenging. Often times it is the ones who will later go on to speak of their awakenings with others who experienced difficulties.  The channel needed such a situation or she would have gone on with her life, never speaking of such things.

It is easy to alleviate these temporary conditions.  Drinking water to stay hydrated helps, as does taking a nap or getting some quiet time alone.  These are the times when your body needs less stimulation so it can adjust to the influx of light.  It will adjust naturally, as it was designed to do just this.

As always we of the higher dimensions are here to assist.  Ask for our help and you will receive it.  Until next time, have a blessed day.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Number 6

Channeling my guide, Raell

Why there are guides.  The human being could do this all on their own, so why the need for guides?  It is true that you could do this on your own, but it would be less satisfying.  You see our true selves are used to connection.  A soul is used to being connected to all that is.  When you incarnated in a physical form, you can feel separated from all that is, which is not really the truth at all.  You are always connected.

To have a guide, especially one that you communicate with often, can give you more than just feedback, it is like having a friend on the outside.  Or inside if you prefer, we know you sometimes feel like the outsiders...  A guide can do more than give you projected outcomes, though that is one purpose.  We can connect you with teachers and help you overcome your fears.

One way we do this is by helping you release fears in your dream state.  We can also help you energetically.  Cutting cords of attachment and working to open up chakras.  We can also help with kundalini symptoms, also known as ascension symptoms.

The channel, Mel, has been having her third eye and crown chakra opened up recently which has resulted in some headaches, which we were more than happy to alleviate when she asked for the help.  This resulted in the pain diminishing so that she did not have to take any pain relievers.

How do you get a high level guide?  It seems silly that if you just ask for one and then one will show up...  Silly but true.  In fact if you are even slightly interested in having a high level guide, more than likely there is one that has been waiting for you to show up.

So how do you connect with this being?  There are many ways, but one of the easiest would be your imagination.  Let us walk you through it.  Prepare yourself by breathing slowly and deeply like in a meditation.  When you are ready, continue.

Before you is a door.  It is a golden door, and you know that behind the door is the higher dimension where your highest level guide lives.  It is a place that is so very beautiful.  When you are ready to enter, open the door.

You see beautiful nature and a house where your guide lives.  He or she is waiting for you there, in front of the house,  When you are ready go over and meet them.  Allow them to adjust your energy pathways.  Allow them to adjust your chakras.  Feel the love and energy that they have for you, another creature of this never-ending creation.

Feel in the back of your heart chakra the love that they are giving you through your higher self.  Receive this love.

When you are ready begin to have a conversation.  Your guide may wish to talk through you.  If you feel comfortable, allow this.  If you feel that you have truly connected with a kind and loving high level entity continue.  If not, ask them to go away.  Know that you are powerful and capable of bringing forth what you ask for.

When you have contacted a high level guide, trust in the knowing that you have done so.  You may leave your guide's home and go back out the door, ending your time with your guide.  Do this anytime you wish.

Have a blessed day.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Number 5

Channeling my higher self

There are distortions everywhere you look.  Like a house of mirrors, you see distorted versions of yourself everywhere you go.  Only you know what your true reflection is.  And you recognize it as love.

So many have been denied this.  You have been given a small amount of love your entire life while the rest of it is where?  It is where it has always been.  But you yourselves have denied yourself from feeling it.  Cut off it would seem, but this spring of life-giving ever-flowing light is always there for you.  You need to find it.

You must look for it.  Where are you hiding?  In plain sight.  You are in nature.  You are in the buildings and the animals, the music...

Anything that brings joy, you are there.  "What of all the other stuff then?  Is that me?" you might ask.  At a lower vibration, yes it is.  But we are letting that fall away now.  The structure has been dismantled.  The building is falling.  There is no reason to stare at the rubble and be upset by its leaving.  The new world is here now.  What is this new world?

IT is you.  A refreshed you.  A refreshed world.  Let the rest fall away.  You have a beautiful life to be lived.  Do not spend it hiding in the shadows.

Trust in your own soul.  Trust in your heart.  Trust in your own two feet to get you where you are going.  It is a wonderful thing to trust where you are.  The day was made for you, enjoy it.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Number 4

Channeling Raell, my guide.

Hello.  Today we would like to get started with a topic, inappropriate thoughts or actions.  Why they occur and how to adjust yourself to release them from your experience.

First, what is inappropriate?  What was once appropriate for the evolution of your species and is now inappropriate.  It is part of the evolution of the soul.  Some might call these things darkness, sin, or just imbalance.  It is just that, in fact, an imbalance.

Examples, excessive anger, thoughts of violence, obsession.  All these are imbalances and in a way they have become the norm for many in society.  It is this place that many find themselves in when they continue on the ascension path.  It is not a path that is covered in flowers and good thoughts entirely.  It is full of weeds and thorns, this path.  Well, that is because it is not a path at all.  It is wild unruly nature.  You are creating the path as you go.

Others will follow but first there must be the ones that cut through and blaze a new track.  You are creating the pathways.  It starts first within.

These imbalances are from what some may call past lives.  Many souls have taken on lifetimes that they were either abused or the abuser.  They have taken on many lifetimes as the victim and villain.  Think in terms of a coin.  It matters not what side it lands on, if you claim it as yours.  Good, bad, you are both.  So don't think in terms of right and wrong.  You are neither.  You are both.  Think in terms of experience.  If life is a game, then you are the player.  You might choose to be the hero, you might choose to be the villain.  It is this lifetime that you are given the choice, with memories of both in your history.

So, we are not saying that it is okay to choose to be the villain.  Instead we are saying that IF these inappropriate thoughts arise it is because you are remembering other lifetimes, or shall we say even further you are tapping into alternate lifetimes that are occurring now.  You may also be tapping into other people who are currently going through these inappropriate things.  If you are suddenly finding yourself surrounded by people who are being abused, it may be because you are capable of tapping into these energies and removing them.  Do not always think that because everything is a reflection of you that it is all you as you are now.  That is a mistake.  Instead see the opportunity.  The opportunity to change from within.  Release it.  We will help you with this if you ask.

In closing, inappropriateness, it can be any manner of things.  You are constantly changing.  What is good for one may not be good for another and what was good for one at one time may later be inappropriate.  The most obvious being food inconsistencies.  The channel has recently learned this.

Do not be afraid to be blazing the path.  You were put here with the skill set to do just what you are doing.  You have all the time in the world to become who you are becoming.  Do it in joy.

Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Number 3

Channeling my Higher Self

To explain the name is my first topic.  Spiral and Spark.  You are both the spark and the spiral.  As I am there from the smallest to the largest, so too are you.

We are capable of so many things.  To feel your higher self, is to feel yourself at a higher level, or wider level, you could say.  If we say at a higher level than we are speaking in terms of the spiral.  Constantly moving upwards, from unaware to awareness.  Moving outwards, expanding.

We move from no knowledge to greater and greater knowledge and growth.  There is an inherent knowledge within all however, from birth.  From even before birth there is information, you call this in the physical form, DNA.

It is the blueprint for physical form.  But like you, the ones incarnated, it is changing, or we should say you are using it differently.  You are seeing this information with new eyes.

How is this so?  You are coming in to a time when humans are individually given the chance to expand and explore.  It seems scary to some.  Like a dark room with no light, there will be those who will hang in the doorway looking in.

But others will be brave and walk into the room.

I am glad to see the humans walk into the room, because then they will meet with more of themselves.  It is not so scary once you are in there and adjust to the new light.

Like a dark room, you can often still see in dim light.  Those willing to walk into the dark room will find their way eventually, and they will find the light eventually.  You do not sit in a dark room forever, you find the light, and if there is no light, you create one.

That is the truth.  And you are the light.  The light in dark places.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Number 2

For this post today, I am going to channel my guide, Raell.

::Channeling Starts::
Today, I will speak with you about channeling.  It is a simple subject.  One that still the human knows very little about.  As I was saying earlier to this channel, it is like a radio station.  You as the channeler need to adjust yourself to get the right frequency.  When that frequency is higher than your current level, you need to go to a higher place.  As you are reaching up, we, those of a higher level/ higher frequency, are reaching down/back to you.

To do this takes practice on both ends.  It can be uncomfortable for us to stay in your energy too long especially if you are not trying to continue moving upwards with us, to us.

While it is true that all can channel, not all have the ability or the desire to do what is necessary to achieve the perfect channeling atmosphere.  I say atmosphere as a term to describe the necessary ingredients to create a desirable frequency, shall we say, for channeling.

Why then, would one want to channel?  Well I will say I have already asked this of the channel now.  Let us call her Mel.  She has given me a name, so I will give her one as well.  :)

Mel has said that she wants to channel because she likes the energy.  She likes speaking with those of a higher energy.  She desires to connect with higher knowledge and she wishes to assist with the changes that are currently undergoing the planet at this time.

This is why she incarnated.  This is why many incarnated.  Why many were called upon and why many volunteered.  We feel that this is a good amount to digest for now.  Until next time, thank you for connecting with us.
Channeling over:

Thank you, Raell.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Number 1

Spiral, my perspective as a human being-
This is my first post.  I am a thirty-something mother and wife.  I am going to channel my higher-self here and possibly some other entities down the road.  This will be my outlet for it.  I hope all who come here will get something useful from my ramblings.
Now, on to the spark's perspective.

Spark, my higher-self-
My advice for the day, play.  Today is a beautiful day, no matter the circumstances you find yourself in.  I am enjoying my time here, it has been difficult, but from my perspective, it is nothing, and I would do everything exactly as it's played out.  All is not as it seems, trust in that.  Wherer you find yourself today, it is blessed.  If you are paying attention, you are finding your way in the dark, for you are the light in the dark places.  That is all.