Thursday, February 25, 2016

Number 4

Channeling Raell, my guide.

Hello.  Today we would like to get started with a topic, inappropriate thoughts or actions.  Why they occur and how to adjust yourself to release them from your experience.

First, what is inappropriate?  What was once appropriate for the evolution of your species and is now inappropriate.  It is part of the evolution of the soul.  Some might call these things darkness, sin, or just imbalance.  It is just that, in fact, an imbalance.

Examples, excessive anger, thoughts of violence, obsession.  All these are imbalances and in a way they have become the norm for many in society.  It is this place that many find themselves in when they continue on the ascension path.  It is not a path that is covered in flowers and good thoughts entirely.  It is full of weeds and thorns, this path.  Well, that is because it is not a path at all.  It is wild unruly nature.  You are creating the path as you go.

Others will follow but first there must be the ones that cut through and blaze a new track.  You are creating the pathways.  It starts first within.

These imbalances are from what some may call past lives.  Many souls have taken on lifetimes that they were either abused or the abuser.  They have taken on many lifetimes as the victim and villain.  Think in terms of a coin.  It matters not what side it lands on, if you claim it as yours.  Good, bad, you are both.  So don't think in terms of right and wrong.  You are neither.  You are both.  Think in terms of experience.  If life is a game, then you are the player.  You might choose to be the hero, you might choose to be the villain.  It is this lifetime that you are given the choice, with memories of both in your history.

So, we are not saying that it is okay to choose to be the villain.  Instead we are saying that IF these inappropriate thoughts arise it is because you are remembering other lifetimes, or shall we say even further you are tapping into alternate lifetimes that are occurring now.  You may also be tapping into other people who are currently going through these inappropriate things.  If you are suddenly finding yourself surrounded by people who are being abused, it may be because you are capable of tapping into these energies and removing them.  Do not always think that because everything is a reflection of you that it is all you as you are now.  That is a mistake.  Instead see the opportunity.  The opportunity to change from within.  Release it.  We will help you with this if you ask.

In closing, inappropriateness, it can be any manner of things.  You are constantly changing.  What is good for one may not be good for another and what was good for one at one time may later be inappropriate.  The most obvious being food inconsistencies.  The channel has recently learned this.

Do not be afraid to be blazing the path.  You were put here with the skill set to do just what you are doing.  You have all the time in the world to become who you are becoming.  Do it in joy.

Have a blessed day.

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